Penjihad's Blog

"To comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable"

All Muslims are TRRRSTS!

It looks like Israel has won the emotional war against Muslims. I would NEVER have believed any sane mind could have come to such an asinine and Islamophobic conclusion as this story shows.

If wearing the Shehada as a headband can cause so much distress to Jews that is becomes a criminal offense, then surely wearing a Star of David would also be a criminal offense because of the trauma it would cause to millions of Palestinians!!!??

Below is a link to the story as reported by the British Daily Mail. Of course, one of the illustrations they chose to show is of an armed Palestinian in GAZA, wearing the Shehada headband. Talk about subliminal messaging!
They could have shown the eBay items showing the Shehada headband for sale, or the Etsy site showing a Shehada headband but no, obviously, a gunman in GAZA was more appropriate!

In a demonstration against the Gaza genocide, a (non-White of course!) man wore a headband that had the Islamic Affirmation (Shehada) on it; “la ilaha Il Allah Mohammed Rasul Allah” (There is no god but one God and Mohammed is his prophet”). He was promptly ARRESTED by the Police as showing support for the “TRRRST organization “HAMAS!”.

Unbelievably, the judge found him guilty of intimidating Jews and supporting Hamas!

The Judge said, “Hamas is the most notable Palestinian group associated with the colour green…” (REALLY???) and…

“I am satisfied so I am sure that the defendant wore an item of clothing, a green headband in such circumstances to arouse reasonable suspicion that he was a supporter of a proscribed terrorist organisation, namely Hamas” and..

“‘…I do find that the harm is serious and I have to agree that the nature of the offence when it happened, soon after the incident of 7 October, would have made significant distress to those who were observing the demonstration”

What kind of manipulatable, servile, idiotic and unthinking people does Britain have a Judges???
How can anyone twist a holy symbol into a representation of something bad (It’s bad enough that “HAMAS!” is deemed a “TRRRST organization by so many of the oh-so civilized nations in the West)?
Einstein is reported as having said, “The difference between Stupidity and Genius is that Genius has limits”.

Muslims had better walk careful; don’t wear green, don’t wear a T-shirt with a watermelon on it and don’t say, “Palestine” except with “Kill them all!” afterwards. Otherwise, you are supporting terrorists and causing great grief to Jews. If you are non-White, don’t “look like a Muzlem“.
You could lose your job, you could lose your education, you could even go to Prison!!
…Or some super-patriotic buffoon could kill you!

Wearing a green Shehada headband? Off with his head!

April 25, 2024 - Posted by | Anti Semitism, Gaza, Genocide, Hate, Islamophobia, Israel, Israel's invasion of Gaza,,, Israel's war with Hamas, Israeli-occupied territories, Netanyahu, Palestine, Terrorism, Terrorism, Zionism | , , , , , , , , ,

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