Penjihad's Blog

"To comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable"

ACTION: Helping the Genocide Forward?

Israel and its blind supporters are determined to slaughter or starve to death, the last Palestinian in Gaza…and the West Bank will be next!

First countries and now companies are following Israel’s directive to help complete the genocide. Israelis have been pressing to destroy UNWRA, The United Nations Relief & Works Agency for Palestinian refugees in the Near East. Israel has accused UNWRA employees of Participating in the October 7 attack on Israelis that took 1,200 Jewish lives…WITHOUT PRESENTING ANY EVIDENCE. Yet the simple fact that ISRAEL made the accusation got SIXTEEN countries to jump to please Israel: Austria, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Romania, Sweden, the United States, Iceland, the United Kingdom, Japan, Canada, and Australia1; all 16 of them stopped funding UNWRA and to Hell with the Palestinians dying of Western-caused Famine (Israel: “What Famine? there is no Famine!“). Of these 16 bloody-minded and blind supporters of Israel, only Canada and Sweden have resumed funding, presumably after they were embarrassed at acting in such a rash and heartless manner.

In a show of generosity, the US partnered with w couple of countries and airdropped 100 tons of food supplies in Gaza…killing five Palestinians with the pallets. That amounts to less than 285 grams (10 ounces) PER PERSON. Simultaneously, the US delivered several planeloads of bombs and shells to Israel so they can kill thousands of Palestinians. To date, the total is approaching 34,000 dead of which, about 40% (13,600) were children, about 9,000 were women and 11,400 men; according to Israelis, all the men were “TRRRSTS!”. This does not take into account the uncountable Palestinians who remain buried under the rubble of buildings bombed at random by Israel and the well over 100,000 maimed of all ages.

Now companies are moving to join the blockade of funds to UNWRA, Fidelity Charitable quietly dropped UNWRA from its list of charities for donation. This company’s Board has now opened to door for other charities who may also be under pressure by the pro-Israeli groups, to boycott UNWRA and thus, help the genocide of Palestinians.

The only way such a murderous rush to kill Palestinians can be stopped if is people put pressure on big companies that may be donating to Fidelity Charitable. For example, if companies like Microsoft, Google, Amazon and Facebook etc., make a decision to drop funding of such “charity” companies, if they stop funding UNWRA.
The only way THAT can happen is if the employees of those companies help their company take such a stand.
Otherwise, we can just wring our hands as we watch the last Palestinian child, starve slowly to death.

April 19, 2024 - Posted by | Anti Semitism, Gaza, Genocide, Hate, Islamophobia, Israel the Day After, Israel's invasion of Gaza,,, Israel's war with Hamas, Israeli-occupied territories, Middle East, Netanyahu, Palestine, UNWRA, Zionism | , , ,

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