Penjihad's Blog

"To comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable"

Stoning, Taliban and Islam

I guess if we want to see how utterly depraved, stupid, merciless and controlling people can get, The Taliban are happy to provide an example.

Stoning for adultery is the worst interpretation of something that does not even exist in Islam, yet here we are. I fear it may not take long before Pakistan decides to show just how devout its people are an codify stoning into law…it is already in practice along the border tribes of Pakistan. All it takes to “punish” a woman is an accusation.

Origins of Stoning in brief:
A Muslim man and a Jewish woman accused of adultery were brought to the prophet for sentencing. He ordered that the man be punished according to the laws of Islam (whipping) and the woman be returned to her tribe for their punishment (stoning).
Today’s idiots have taken that as a sanction favoring stoning when he was really saying, “They to their laws and us to ours”.

The Quran, being the final word on Islamic law, clearly outlines the process (An-Nur-The Light 24:6-9) of establishing guilt and the punishment for adultery and even after that, it allows for the woman to avoid punishment if she swears, she is innocent of the accusation. At the same time, it deals harshly with anyone who bears false witness against the woman, such liars are to be whipped and never to be trusted at their word again (24:4). To the best of my information, none of this process has ever been implemented anywhere where the so-called, “Sharia Law” of stoning has been implemented. Even the establishment of the so-called “Sharia Courts” is arbitrary and capricious, designed to impose violence under cover of faith rather than actually follow the commands of the Quran.

Sadly, it is very clear, but the fanatics seem to have printed their own version of the Quran, Finley Peter Dunne-Chicago Tribune said it very appropriately, “A fanatic is someone who does what he thinks the Lord would do, if He knew the facts of the case“.

March 30, 2024 - Posted by | Afghanistan, Anti-Muslim myths, Islam, Islamophobia, Stoning, Taliban, Women in Afghanistan | , , ,

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