Penjihad's Blog

"To comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable"

Driving Public Opinion through “Polls”

Mark Twain is said to have noted, “There are lies, Damned lies and there are statistics”.

Taking advanced statistics class during my UW studies (a LOOONNG time ago!) was an eye-opener for me. I learned that statistics and results of polls can be skewed in any direction one wants them to go. Now, whenever I see some statistic, I look at it questioningly.
WHAT is motivating the stats?
WHO is running the numbers?
WHY was this data collected (to serve WHAT goal)?

When I saw this headline in The Jerusalem Post: “Majority of Americans think Israel should press on with Rafah op., finish war – poll“.
I wanted to know how the “poll” was conducted and exactly WHAT was the question; I was not surprised to see the wording of the question in which “the majority of Americans” gave the okay to continue the slaughter of Palestinians:

…according to a Harvard CAPS/Harris poll published on Monday.

Survey respondents responded to a prompt asking, “Should Israel move forward with an operation in Rafah to finish the war with Hamas, doing its best to avoid civilian casualties even though there will be casualties, or should it back off now and allow Hamas to continue running Gaza?”

Looking at this “Poll” question, I see how the question is crafted to persuade the audience that “the most moral army” of Israel, will of course, take great care not to kill or injure civilians. I guess we can trust that part if we believe the “most moral army” has so far exercised “great care” and that the 34,000+ dead Palestinians and the well over 100.000 maimed Palestinians and the 2 MILLION+ starving Palestinians happened ONLY after the Israelis did “take great care” to avoid civilians.
The question has been sanitized to a point at which the person saying “yes” feels their conscience is clear that this is a “WAR!” and not a genocide.

The last part offers the reader a choice between wanting to “finish the war with Hamas (not Palestinians, mind you!) or backing away like a coward and allowing the great “Terrorist” Hamas to continue with their rule and control over Gaza. Since Hamas has been so successfully recast as a “Terrorist” organization, what reasonable person could possibly say “NO” to such a proposition?

Goal achieved, headline created; time now to offer it to the blind supporters and the greedy politicians who would willingly slaughter as many people as needed , in order to get the public on their side.
Send it across the media which will also amplify the “poll” so people shut up about this ”Ceasefire” nonsense and let the great slaughter continue; There’s a genocide to complete!!

May 1, 2024 Posted by | Gaza War, Genocide, Hamas, Polls | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment