Penjihad's Blog

"To comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable"

Pakistan: Fanaticism and Tyranny Under Cover of “Islam”

It is almost impossible to avoid being charged with blasphemy in Pakistan these days and blasphemy carries the death penalty with it. Judges who exonerate someone accused of blasphemy can be killed and the person exonerated of blasphemy is sure to be lynched even after being freed. Accusations of blasphemy are easy, courts do not allow evidence to be submitted because even the submission of the evidence is blasphemy! Today, one may not even discuss some of the negative things the followers of the prophet Mohammed or his wives said or did, because even those facts of history as written by contemporary Muslims, is blasphemy.
In a recent case (Pakistani police charge 68 lawyers with blasphemy over protest) in Pakistan, A lawyer was detained by the Police so, 68 lawyers rose in protest and demonstrated against Umar Daraz, the Police officer who detained the first lawyer, cursing the Police officer….the Police turned around and arrested the 68 lawyers on blasphemy charges because they were cursing Umar Daraz and “Umar” was the name of a revered follower of the prophet Mohammed, one of the four “Righteously-guided” Caliphs of Islam!

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May 13, 2014 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , | 1 Comment